Hampton Fall Fling / Viper MidAtlantic Champs (Nov. 3-4)

Started by Peter Beardsley, October 17, 2018, 10:00:05 AM

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Peter Beardsley

Registration is up at http://www.regattanetwork.com/event/17543

7 Vipers signed up so far.  Nice stopping point heading south to Sarasota, and you're usually able to leave your boat in Hampton to save some driving time or costs. 
Viper 640 East Coast Regional VP / Class Governor
Viper 333 "Glory Days"
Formerly Viper 269 "Great Scott!", Viper 222 "Ghost Panda" and Viper 161 "Vicious Panda"

Steve Taylor

Let me know if anyone needs housing or boat storage.
Don't miss the saturday night post regatta Oyster Roast!

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

Steve Taylor

There are currently a few folks available for extra crew if anyone is short!
Wind forecast is looking good!