2015 HPDO at American YC (Rye, NY) - Pre North Americans Oct. 10-11

Started by Peter Beardsley, August 18, 2015, 10:23:37 PM

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Peter Beardsley

The HPDO is Oct. 10-11 at American YC.  This is typically a 25-30+ Viper event.  In 2015, it is our Pre North Americans.  American YC is at most 2.5 miles by water from Larchmont YC and the North Americans are later that week Oct. 15-18.  Register today for HPDO: http://www.yachtscoring.com/emenu.cfm?eID=1458 -- late entry fee kicks in September 1, and you can make your housing requests for HPDO and save a bit on NAs housing potentially. 

Schedule for the week would look something like this:
Oct. 10 - HPDO Day 1
Oct. 11 - HPDO Day 2
Oct. 12 - Columbus Day / Canadian Thanksgiving
Oct. 13 - Lay Day (Tuesday)
Oct. 14 - Registration, practice sailing if desired
Oct. 15: NAs Day 1
Oct. 16: NAs Day 2
Oct. 17: NAs Day 3
Oct. 18: NAs Day 4

For those in the northeast who get Columbus Day off from work, this means 6 days of Viper racing for only 4 vacation days, and HPDO turnout is likely to be large.  For those coming from elsewhere, it means 6 days of Viper racing in big fleets in good fall conditions in Western Long Island Sound. 
Viper 640 East Coast Regional VP / Class Governor
Viper 333 "Glory Days"
Formerly Viper 269 "Great Scott!", Viper 222 "Ghost Panda" and Viper 161 "Vicious Panda"

Peter Beardsley

28 Vipers now signed up for HPDO.  Late fee kicks in TOMORROW, September 1.  Sign up today to save yourself some $$.  Housing requests for HPDO also close for initial requests as of Sept. 1, so all the more reason to reach out to event organizers. 
Viper 640 East Coast Regional VP / Class Governor
Viper 333 "Glory Days"
Formerly Viper 269 "Great Scott!", Viper 222 "Ghost Panda" and Viper 161 "Vicious Panda"

Lee Shuckerow

Jackpot  #235

Peter Beardsley

Well yeah, because people keep signing up.  32 on the scratch sheet right now, though 1 of those is a duplicate (nice job Mark Engelhardt), and another is unable to attend and has yet to be removed from the scratch sheet, so actual numbers are 30, with a bunch more entries to go.  There are a half dozen boats signed up for HPDO that are not signed up for NAs and something like 15+ boats signed up for NAs who aren't signed up for HPDO, not counting some other guys who aren't signed up yet for either but who tell me they'll be at one or both.  So yeah, it should be a great week in NY in mid October with a ton of boats around. 
Viper 640 East Coast Regional VP / Class Governor
Viper 333 "Glory Days"
Formerly Viper 269 "Great Scott!", Viper 222 "Ghost Panda" and Viper 161 "Vicious Panda"

Peter Beardsley

38 Vipers signed up though I think a couple can't make it, but still likely to have 32-34+ Vipers out there for the unofficial preNAs.  Due to the cancellation of the Storm Trysail Intercollegiate Regatta while prepping for Joaquin, AYC will be able to move the racecourse to the west and the Vipers will be sailing in between AYC and LYC, meaning that the HPDO will be in the exact same waters (with almost identical mark locations) as the NAs a few days later instead of being 2-3 miles to the east.  Due to the size of the Viper fleet, AYC will also likely require bow numbers of all Vipers, so it will be very important to check in at AYC either Friday night before 8 pm or Saturday morning to ensure that you have what you need to be able to race. 
Viper 640 East Coast Regional VP / Class Governor
Viper 333 "Glory Days"
Formerly Viper 269 "Great Scott!", Viper 222 "Ghost Panda" and Viper 161 "Vicious Panda"

Brad Boston

Not the best sailing day that NY has to offer but the HPDO always goes out of their way to make sure everyone is having a great time...
Thank you american yacht club for making it fun!


Tac Boston

Great event, I took a lot of pics that at some point in the next couple days when I have a minute or two.

Just wanted to remind everyone that our fall discount on sails runs until Dec 1st on sails. Prices are below.

Main                $ 1395
Jib                   $   870
Spinnaker        $ 1890

Brad and I are both here all week do not hesitate in emailing or calling either of us.
Tac Boston